CSR Guidance: Health & Safety in Denim Finishing
Thank you for your interest in the AAFA Health & Safety Guidelines for Workers in Denim Finishing.
The purpose of the guidelines is to help denim finishing facilities provide a safe and healthy work environment that prevents accidents, injuries, and illnesses. Not all parts of the guidelines are applicable, and some of the safety guidelines may already be in place. Further, these guidelines are not a substitute for applicable local laws and regulations. Factories are expected to comply fully with all applicable laws, regulations, permits, and authorizations governing occupational health and safety. However, this guide is a supplement that can be used by denim finishing facilities to enhance health and safety practices and reduce risks to their workers and their organization.
The AAFA Health & Safety Guidelines for Workers in Denim Finishing is an OPEN INDUSTRY resource. To access the guidelines:
- For AAFA members, please login here to access a PDF in English or in Mandarin.
- For non-AAFA members, please contact Maureen Storch to request access.
AAFA has also conducted open-industry training sessions on the guidelines. Please find below links to the following: