Webinar: Rethinking Supply Chain Strategy: The Digital Logistics Role

Thursday, June 1, 2023
2:00 PM ET to 3:00 PM ET | Online


Open industry. All apparel and footwear industry professionals, regardless of AAFA membership, are encouraged to participate.


The world is continuously changing. Brands and manufacturers face unprecedented challenges in an uncertain supply chain environment. Challenges include overcoming speed to market, uncertainty in supply, ensuring resilient logistics processes, reducing your carbon footprint, and many more.
This webinar will focus on how digital logistics process improvements add value to your strategic focus and help address concerns earlier in the process than we have before.
Additionally, we will touch on how a ‘shift left’ approach in your logistics processes can improve your carbon footprint. Consumers are demanding products that minimize GHG emissions as they lead the effort for a more sustainable future. Businesses that can demonstrate attention to this - through sustainable and environmentally informed freight decisions - are poised to attract and retain consumers and generate additional revenue streams. 
Attendees of this webinar will learn:
  • Approaches to transform supply chain and logistics processes, leading to improved KPIs and increased operational efficiency
  • Benefits of supply chain visibility in mitigating unforeseen delays and disruptions in the global supplier marketplace
  • Insights into strategies for reducing your carbon footprint and meeting consumer demand for environmentally friendly products and practices


Headshot of Jeffrey LuftJeffrey Luft
Portfolio Development Leader
Siemens Digital Industries Software

Jeffrey Luft leads the portfolio development for Siemens Digital Logistics in the Americas. With 30+ years of success throughout all areas of the supply chain, he brings to the conversation a philosophy that all businesses must include their supply chain/logistics partners from the very start. Luft says “By taking this ‘shift left’ approach, we as supply chain leaders can provide the best possible advice to our internal customers. In these ‘new, never normal’ times let your supply chain be a strategic advantage.” 

Headshot of Magdalina StavrevaMagdalina Stavreva
Product Portfolio Manager
Siemens Digital Logistics

With more than a decade of product management experience in logistics and supply chain SaaS solutions, Magdalina has currently embraced the integration of digital logistics product portfolio with Siemens digital manufacturing software. She has a deep understanding of market trends and customer requirements. This ensures that Siemens Digital Logistics is bringing to the market, technology solutions designed to ease supply chain & logistics pain-points across a wide variety of industries.  

As a product manager of software offerings which promote digital collaboration between all stakeholders along the supply chain, Magdalina has great experience in working with cross-functional teams to plan, manage and launch value generating product offerings. Delivering supply chain resiliency to ensure a reliable and sustainable production process, drives her product journey towards creating solutions which combine digital supply chain & logistics with digital manufacturing capabilities. 


Headshot of Nate HermanNate Herman
Senior Vice President, Policy

Nate Herman oversees AAFA’s Policy department, managing the association’s lobbying, policy, and regulatory affairs activities. Nate leads AAFA’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) program, formulating and implementing CSR policy and representing AAFA and the industry on CSR issues before governments, NGOs, and other key stakeholders. In addition, Nate develops all apparel and footwear industry data and statistics as AAFA's resident economist. Prior to joining AAFA, Nate worked for six years at the U.S. Department of Commerce's International Trade Administration assisting U.S. firms in entering the global market. Nate spent the last two years as the Department's industry analyst for the footwear and travel goods industries. Nate received a Masters of Public and International Affairs from the University of Pittsburgh in 1994 and a Bachelor of Arts in International Relations and Economics from the University of Delaware in 1992. 


Stephanie Paendong