Webinar: Enabling Agility in the Age of Ongoing Disruption

Thursday, May 2, 2024
2:00 PM ET to 3:00 PM ET | Online


Open industry. All apparel and footwear industry professionals, regardless of AAFA membership, are encouraged to participate.


In today's fast-paced and unpredictable environment, supply chain visibility is no longer a luxury—it's a necessity for survival and success. Over the past year, the global supply chain landscape has been reshaped by a series of unprecedented events—from low water levels in the Panama Canal to geopolitical tensions affecting maritime routes and the recent earthquake in Taiwan. These disruptions underscore the urgent requirement for adaptability in addressing global supply chain complexities. Yet, agility extends beyond reactive measures.  It requires forward-thinking approaches that guarantee adaptability across the entire supply chain—from upstream processes in supplier factories to downstream customer deliveries. Achieving this level of comprehensive visibility and flexibility demands robust technological solutions. 

Attendees of this webinar will learn:
  • Insights into how companies are adapting to disruptions, managing costs, and optimizing their networks. 
  • To understand why real-time visibility across every aspect of your supply chain is essential for informed decision-making.
  • About the indispensable tools and technologies that empower companies to master their supply chain dynamics amidst constant change.


Headshot of Steve OntiverosSteve Ontiveros
Solutions Consultant
Infor Nexus

As a Principal Supply Chain Solution Consultant at Infor Nexus, Steve Ontiveros has been at the frontlines of Supply Chain Management solution deployment. With over 15 years of experience in supply chain technology & operations, Steve specializes in optimizing procurement processes and shipment efficiencies. He is dedicated to delivering innovative supply chain technology solutions that drive real and lasting cost and revenue improvements.

Headshot of Matt SimonsenMatt Simonsen
VP of Product Management 
Infor Nexus

As a VP of Product Management at Infor Nexus, Matt Simonsen is responsible for managing the Nexus multi-enterprise business network and industry-leading supply chain data that run the world’s largest supply chains.  Matt has over 25 years of experience in solution and data platform management with a focus on driving customer value realization.


Headshot of Beth HughesBeth Hughes
Vice President, Trade and Customs Policy

Beth Hughes is responsible for supporting the association's efforts on international trade and customs issues. Beth oversees AAFA’s Trade Policy Committee, as well as AAFA’s Customs Group. Before joining AAFA, Beth served for six years as senior director, international affairs at the International Dairy Foods Association. Beth earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in political science at George Washington University and received a Master of Arts in international affairs from Florida State University. 

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Stephanie Paendong